Posted on: April 3, 2020

Family Prayer - April 3, 2020

Family Prayer for Today


“Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am in Distress.  Deliver me from the hands of my enemies and those who pursue me.  O Lord, let me never put to shame, for I call on You.” (Psalm 30)

Let us Pray:

Lord our God, you rescue the poor from their oppressors, and you rose to the aid of your beloved Son against those who unjustly sought his life.  Look on your world as we journey to you, that the poor and weak may recognize the help you provide and proclaim your saving acts.  Pardon the offenses of your peoples, O Lord, and in your goodness set us free from the bonds of the sins we have committed in our weakness.  Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.

Bow your heads for God’s Blessing:

God our Father, he who knew no sin was made sin for us, to save us and restore us to your friendship.  Look upon our contrite heart and afflicted spirit and heal our troubled conscience, so that in the joy and strength of the Holy Spirit we may proclaim your praise and glory before all the nations.  May the Unfailing protection of Your Love never leave us, O Lord, and may it always drive far from us all that would harm us.  Amen.

Thought for the Heart:

“For thus says the Lord, the creator of all the universe, who is God, the designer and maker of the earth who established it, not creating it to be a waste, but designing it to be lived in.”(Isaiah 45).


Have A Very Blessed Day

Father Sathi Antony.

Posted on: April 2, 2020

Family Prayer - April 2, 2020

Family Prayer for Today


“I love you, Lord, my strength, *

my rock, my fortress, my savior.
My God is the rock where I take refuge; *

my shield, my mighty help, my stronghold.” (Psalm 18)

Let us Pray:

Lord, kindle a light for my guidance and scatter my darkness.  Lord God, our strength and salvation, put in us the flame of your love and make our love for you grow to a perfect love which reaches to the whole of your creation.  Lord, send Your mercy and Your truth to rescue us from the snares of the devil, and we will praise You among the peoples and proclaim You to the nations, happy to be known as companions of Your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Bow your heads for God’s Blessing:

Look upon those who call to You O Lord, and sustain the weak; give life by Your Unfailing Light to those who walk in the shadow of death, and bring those rescued by Your mercy from every evil to reach the highest good.  Amen.

“I pray to You, O Lord, for a time of Your favor.  In Your great mercy, answer me, O God, with Your Healing that never fails.” (Psalm 68:4)

Have A Very Blessed Day

Father Sathi Antony.

Posted on: April 1, 2020

Family Prayer - April 1, 2020

Family Prayer for Today


“Listen to my prayer, O Lord, and hear my cry for help.  Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my distress.  Listen to me, and answer me quickly when I call!” (Psalm: 102)

Let us pray:

Rise up, Lord, in defense of your people; do not hide your face from our troubles.  Father of orphans, wealth of the poor and healer of wounds we rejoice in making you known; may we find comfort and security in times of pain, anxiety and fear.  Since without You we cannot exist, may we be enabled to live according to Your will.  Direct us to the fullness of Joy through your life-giving words, we ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Bow your heads for God’s Blessing:

May the mercy we have hoped for, O Lord, come to all through our supplications.  May the riches of Heaven be given us, especially at this time of worldly insecurity. Let our prayers and charity become a healing remedy for us both now and time to come. Amen.

“As I live, says the Lord, I do not desire the death of the sinner, but rather that he turn back and live.” (Ezekiel 33:11)



Have A Very Blessed Day

Father Sathi Antony, in Service to You.